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The Derivative Outlook on Love

from the Perspective of Two Sixteen-Year-Olds

sixteen-year-olds ameel and estella love like adults, healthily and hard, but estella craves the carefreeness and innocence of being sixteen.

"An extremely singular portrait of the relationship between two young teens."
- NFFTY  2023 Progammer's Pick

starring ragan stark and maximus white
written and directed by ella janes, cinematography by julian felix aaronson


Mr. Baxter

a writer and her old english teacher, both equally set in their ideas, meet up for the first time in years and challenge each other to find themselves again.​

a love letter to the manhattan film institute.

starring johnny gamble and stephanie herlihy
written and directed by ella Janes, cinematography by devon tayman

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Cut Scenes From a Love Story

a vignette of aimless moments between two people in love.

written, directed, and shot by ella janes and julian felix aaronson.

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The External-Internal Monologue

of an Interdependent Insomniac

A sleep-deprived filmmaker faces his insecurities by explaining his outlook on various smells.

starring julian felix aaronson, martin kamm, margaret fall, david lee anderson
written and directed by julian felix aaronson

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A Woman and an Envelope

jacqueline, a victim of sexual assault, finds herself as the key witness in her own sexual assault case. she must decide just how important justice is to her and to what means she will go to to avoid confrontation with her own trauma.

written and directed by ella janes, cinematography by robert qualls

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Where is Bones?

a loving mother searches for her cat and is soon met with an unexpected visitor.

written and directed by julian felix aaronson, cinematography by ella janes

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The First 280 Honest Words

of My Life

a 14-year-old writer must write a short composition to get accepted into a summer program. the writing must include a color, a fruit, and the rain. as she begins writing, she slowly begins challenging the ideas of honesty and her truth.

a love letter to the oklahoma summer arts institute.

starring margaret fall
written, directed, and shot by ella janes

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life is never easy in middle school, especially for kiara, who gets her first period at the most unforgiving time, during lunch in the middle school cafeteria, while her mom is in jail.

written and directed by ella janes, cinematography by steven purvis

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